The network of importers of ALGEMA FITZEL extends right across Europe, who were guests at the Export-Meeting 2023 at the headquarters in Tuntenhausen a few days ago.
Importers from Italy, France, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium made the journey, as did their colleagues from Luxembourg, the Czech Republic and Poland.
The partners came to Tuntenhausen to benefit from comprehensive product training on the latest products. A factory tour was also on the agenda, during which the high-quality production of the vehicles could be experienced live. According to Head of Sales, Markus Bonnetsmüller, the regular exchange with international partners is an important factor for Europe-wide service.
Visitors were also able to gain an overview of the wide range of services offered by EDER GmbH. The all-round successful event was rounded off in style with a visit to the Rosenheim Autumn Festival.